Ashleigh Saponare

In my role as yoga teacher, I like to deliver strong physical flows, smart alignment cues, and an emphasis on intentional breath work, especially that of building your own internal heat through ujjayi pranayama; My style is informed by the Ashtanga and Anusara traditions, with inclusion of Sanskrit in my cueing, and a direct speaking to the philosophy of yoga, too.

I teach with an approach that is trauma-sensitive, and I hold the shared space of our time together with care. I am intentional with my words, and I leave room for intuitive movement. I like to get you rhythmically breathing and moving, bring you to an edge!, and then guide you to rest.

I received my initial 200 hr. certification in 2013 and taught consistently in studios and therapeutic day schools in Connecticut before moving into an RV with my husband and traveling the West. After 2.5 yrs of living on the road, we landed in Boulder and I have felt blessed ever since to work and love among the beauty of the Rockies, the high-elevation, and the gorgeous inspiration of nature that surrounds me daily.

I am passionate about my role as teacher in this world, and I feel so grateful to teach beside the talent of our Yoga Pod team. Come join me for a groovy vinyasa class, or an introspective and meditative Yin – these are my specialties.


Camille Burner


Emily Pedersen